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Reasoning in Large Language Models Through Symbolic Math Word Problems

Published in ACL, 2023

Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized NLP by solving downstream tasks with little to no labeled data. Despite their versatile abilities, the larger question of their ability to reason remains ill-understood. This paper addresses reasoning in math word problems (MWPs) by studying symbolic versions of the numeric problems, since a symbolic expression is a “concise explanation” of the numeric answer. We create and use a symbolic version of the SVAMP dataset and find that GPT-3’s davinci-002 model also has good zero-shot accuracy on symbolic MWPs. To evaluate the faithfulness of the model’s reasoning, we go beyond accuracy and additionally evaluate the alignment between the final answer and the outputted reasoning, which correspond to numeric and symbolic answers respectively for MWPs. We explore a self-prompting approach to encourage the symbolic reasoning to align with the numeric answer, thus equipping the LLM with the ability to provide a concise and verifiable reasoning and making it more interpretable. Surprisingly, self-prompting also improves the symbolic accuracy to be higher than both the numeric and symbolic accuracies, thus providing an ensembling effect. The SVAMP-Sym dataset will be released for future research on symbolic math problems.

Recommended citation: Vedant Gaur and Nikunj Saunshi. 2023. Reasoning in Large Language Models Through Symbolic Math Word Problems. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023, pages 5889–5903, Toronto, Canada. Association for Computational Linguistics.

Symbolic Math Reasoning with Language Models

Published in IEEE, 2023

The emergence of large language models (LLMs) such as OpenAI’s GPT-3, Google’s LaMDA, Meta’s OPT, etc. have revolutionized the field of natural language processing (NLP). These models with upwards of hundreds of billions of parameters are trained on large unlabeled text corpora and can subsequently solve downstream tasks with little to no labeled data. While these models are increasingly versatile in their abilities, e.g., solving math word problems, the larger question of their ability to reason remains. Using and modifying the SVAMP dataset, we find that GPT-3’s davinci-002 model, in addition to having good performance on numerical math word problems, also performs well on the potentially harder symbolic version of the same problems. Furthermore, adopting a two-step approach (solve symbolically and then substitute numerical values) leads to better accuracy on the numerical test set in the zero-shot regime. Additionally, we find that the use of specific prompting techniques pushes the model, in many cases, to actively describe its thought process and aid in the final answer output when faced with a complex, multi-step problem, aligning with recent observations.

Recommended citation: V. Gaur and N. Saunshi, "Symbolic Math Reasoning with Language Models," 2022 IEEE MIT Undergraduate Research Technology Conference (URTC), Cambridge, MA, USA, 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/URTC56832.2022.10002218. keywords: {Optimized production technology;Natural language processing;Data models;Cognition;Numerical models;Task analysis;Natural Language Processing;Zero-shot;Large Language Models},

Lucas-Kanade Optical Flow Machine Learning Implementations

Published in JSR, 2022

Optical flow is an effective measurement to gauge motion in a scene, which allows for the computation of pixel-by-pixel motion in a frame pair. This paper aims to address the ambiguity with determining how to gain optical flow results for a given sequence. Due to varying speeds and nuances of a sequence, where it’s set, how fast it’s moving, a different amount of blur radius, i.e., the extent to which the image is blurred, may have to be applied to gain realistic flow maps. Furthermore, this paper touches on the many variables that can impact the efficacy of the flow outputted by an optical flow algorithm. Thus, we aim to determine whether the composition of results obtained through different blur values provides for more ground-truth flow outputs.

Recommended citation: Gaur, V. (2022). Lucas-Kanade Optical Flow Machine Learning Implementations. Journal of Student Research, 11(3).